

面向数字场景的阅读素养测评:内涵界定、要素解构、工具设计与数据表征 刘司卓,郭利明,郑勤华,王怀波 摘要:随着信息技术和新兴媒介的飞速发展,数字阅读已逐渐成为当前中小学生获取知识的重要途径,学生数字阅读素养测评也随之成为研究与实践的重点。然而,既有研究中数字阅读素养的概念内涵和测评框架仍一定程度上忽略了数字化场景为阅读带来的新特征,且对数字场景下多模态阅读数据表征素养的可能性缺乏系统探索。鉴于此,该研究基于数字场景下阅读内容形式、行为模式、认知方式和功能目的特征的变化,提出数字阅读素养的新内涵:个体在数字场景中,能够适应动态非线性超文本信息,并通过多线程导航和碎片化信息的深度整合与批判的方式,实现知识建构、自我表达并参与社会交流的综合能力。基于这一新内涵解读,该研究将数字阅读素养测评要素解构为信息检索与筛选、内容评价与反思、内容理解与创造3个一级指标,以及信息定位、信息筛选、质量评估等6个二级指标。进一步,该研究提出适合我国中小学生的数字阅读素养测评工具的情境与任务设计方案,并挖掘可能的数据表征,能够为我国本土化数字阅读素养测评的实践落地提供一定的参考。 关键词:数字阅读素养;阅读素养;阅读素养测评;数字场景;信息技术 点击查看原文:面向数字场景的阅读素养测评:内涵界定、要素解构、工具设计与数据表征



Measuring scientific inquiry ability related to hands-on practice: An automated approach based on multimodal data analysis

Measuring scientific inquiry ability related to hands-on practice: An automated approach based on multimodal data analysis Yishen Song · Liming Guo · Qinhua Zheng Abstract Scientific inquiry ability is closely related to the process of hands-on inquiry practice.However, its assessment is often separated from this practice due to the limitation of technical basis and labor cost. The development of multimodal data analysis provides a new opportunity to realize automated assessment based on hands-on practice.Therefore, this study aims to explore whether and how we can use automated multimodal data analysis approaches to measure the scientific inquiry ability of students during the hands-on inquiry practice. In a scientific inquiry activity called "Explore the Moon," designed for 472 fourth graders, we collected textual, tabular, and video data. Aiming to analyze and evaluate the data, we first designed a modal conversion method based on the multimodal pre-trained model LLaVA-7B and a text scoring method integrating keyword matching, one-way nearness, and Jaccard similarity.Then, to bridge the computing ability with the scoring criteria from science teachers,we constructed a structured representation language and verified the human–machine consistency of automated scoring. Finally, we used a multidimensional item response theory (IRT) model to validate the assessment’s overall quality and analyze the participants’scientific inquiry ability. The proposed data analysis method has high man–machine consistency, and the results of IRT analysis present reasonable item characteristics.In summary, we constructed a low-cost and scalable multimodal assessment approach based on scientific inquiry activities, providing methodological support for science teachers to carry out formative evaluation of students’ scientific inquiry activities in the daily inquiry-based learning environment. Keywords Scientific inquiry ・ Multimodal data ・ Automated assessment ・ Pretrained model ・ Item response theory 点击查看原文:Measuring scientific inquiry ability related to hands-on practice: An automated approach based on multimodal data analysis



Computer-based assessment of collaborative problem solving skills: A systematic review of empirical research

Computer-based assessment of collaborative problem solving skills: A systematic review of empirical research Huanyou Chai, Tianhui Hu, Li Wu Keywords: Computer-based assessment, Collaborative problem solving skills, 21st century skills, Theoretical model, Evaluation methodologies Abstract: Given the widespread concern on collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills, there has been an increasing interest in the last few years to explore how to assess them with digital technologies. This study systematically reviewed how CPS skills have been assessed with digital technologies in the literature. A total of 40 articles were reviewed to analyze specific computer-based assessment instruments of CPS skills from four perspectives: research context, theoretical model for assessment, assessment type, and reliability and validity evidence. The results indicate that most tests target a sample of less than 500 junior students. Nine theoretical models are employed for assessing CPS skills, most of which treat these skills as an explicit combination of social and cognitive skills and are applied to a limited range of participants’ age levels, collaboration features, and team compositions. A total of 22 tests have been employed and fallen into four types, i. e., the ones with specific predefined messages in human-agent mode, and those with online chat box, videoconferencing, and face-to-face collaboration in human-human mode. Each type of these tests demonstrates great diversities in participants’ age levels, types of CPS task(s), team compositions, types of assessment data, and methods of data recording and scoring. A certain number of tests lack reliability and validity evidence. Our findings are expected to benefit relevant researchers and test developers in terms of providing suggestions for future research which include testing the applicability of theoretical models for assessing CPS skills across a wide range of assessment contexts. In addition, future researchers should improve the development, data processing, and report of those four types of computer-based assessment instruments of CPS skills through different approaches, respectively. 点击查看原文:Computer-based assessment of collaborative problem solving skills: A systematic review of empirical research




基于信息技术的表现性评价:内涵、作用点与发展路向 郑勤华,陈 丽,柴唤友,王 磊,王怀波 (1.北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875;2.北京师范大学 系统科学学院,北京 100875) 摘要:信息技术为新时代表现性评价变革提供了重要机遇,促进信息技术与表现性融合创新是深化教育评价改革和推进素质教育发展的必然要求。该文着眼素质教育对高阶思维能力评价的现实需求,在分析当前表现性评价实践问题的基础上,提出了基于信息技术的表现性评价,其本质是在教育信息化背景下,以证据中心设计理论为指引,充分利用信息技术变革表现性评价全流程。从创新测评任务呈现、拓展测评数据采集、优化测评数据分析和促进测评活动实施等维度剖析了基于信息技术的表现性评价的作用点。未来需要从下列方面来推进基于信息技术的表现性评价:树牢改革理念,正确认识表现性评价的内容、形式与方法;优化技术服务,持续改进表现性评价的可用性、易用性与实用性;完善数据标准,稳步提高表现性评价的规范性、统一性和效率性;建强人才队伍,大力推动表现性评价的专业性、科学性和可靠性。 关键词:教育评价;表现性评价;信息技术;教育信息化;证据中心设计 点击查看原文:基于信息技术的表现性评价:内涵、作用点与发展路向