
Automated Essay Scoring and Revising Based on Open-Source Large Language Models

Automated Essay Scoring and Revising Based onOpen-Source Large Language Models Yishen Song , Qianta Zhu , Huaibo Wang , and Qinhua Zheng Abstract—Manually scoring and revising student essays has long been a time-consuming task for educators.With the rise of natural language processing techniques, automated essay scoring (AES) and automated essay revising (AER) have emerged to alleviate this burden. However, current AES and AER models require large amounts of training data and lack generalizability, which makes them hard to implement in daily teaching activities. Moreover,online sites offering AES and AER services charge high fees and have security issues uploading student content. In light of these challenges and recognizing the advancements in large language models (LLMs), we aim to fill these research gaps by analyzing the performance of open-source LLMs when accomplishing AES and AER tasks. Using a human-scored essay dataset (n = 600) collected in an online assessment, we implemented zero-shot, few-shot, and p-tuning AES methods based on theLLMsand conducted a human–machine consistency check. We conducted a similarity test and a score difference test for the results of AER with LLMs support. The human–machine consistency check result shows that the performance of open-sourceLLMswith a 10Bparameter size in the AES task is close to that of some deep-learning baseline models,and it can be improved by integrating the comment with the score into the shot or training continuous prompts. The similarity test and score difference test results show that open-source LLMs can effectively accomplish the AER task, improving the quality of the essays while ensuring that the revision results are similar to the original essays. This study reveals a practical path to cost-effectively,time-efficiently, and content-safely assisting teachers with student essay scoring and revising using open-source LLMs. Index Terms—Assessment, automated essay revising (AER),automated essay scoring (AES), generative artificial intelligence,open-source large language model (LLM). 点击查看原文:Automated Essay Scoring and Revising Based on Open-Source Large Language Models




教育领域学生队列资源的价值、框架与挑战 王怀波,郑勤华,孙洪涛,吴瑶 1. 北京师范大学系统科学学院2. 北京师范大学远程教育研究中心3. 北京师范大学校务数据管理中心 摘要:如今,教育大数据的应用进入了瓶颈期,机械、单一、截断式的数据已无法满足当下教育发展的需要。而与一般性的教育大数据相比,教育领域中学生队列资源具有连续、丰富、可解释等优势,有望成为破解发展瓶颈的重要举措。基于此,文章首先梳理了学生队列资源的概念与价值潜能,然后基于医疗领域队列建设思路,总结包含教育目标选取、暴露因素定义、研究对象设置、随访计划制定和数据分析存储的队列资源建设整体框架,最后指出队列资源建设存在的隐私保护、追踪成本和样本覆盖面等诸多挑战,并提出提高安全意识、发挥技术优势和开展更大规模队列建设等策略。文章通过研究,旨在为推动教育领域学生队列资源建设与发展提供参考,弥补现有教育数据缺陷,发挥数据在教育领域中的作用。 关键词:学生队列资源;价值潜能;教育领域;个性化培养 基金资助:科技部2021年度“社会治理与智慧社会科技支撑”重点专项“大规模学生跨学段成长跟踪研究”项目(项目编号:2021YFC3340800); 国家自然科学基金青年项目“群体智慧汇聚下网络化知识演化规律研究”(项目编号:62207005)资助; 更多内容见中国知网



【学术论文】MusicYOLO: A Vision-based Framework for Automatic Singing Transcription

MusicYOLO: A Vision-based Framework for Automatic Singing Transcription Xianke Wang, Bowen Tian, Weiming Yang, Wei Xu, and Wenqing Cheng Huazhong University Of Science And Technology Abstract—Automatic singing transcription (AST), which refers to the process of inferring the onset, offset, and pitch from the singing audio, is of great significance in music information retrieval. Most AST models use the convolutional neural network to extract spectral features and predict the onset and offset moments separately. The frame-level probabilities are inferred first, and then the note-level transcription results are obtained through post-processing. In this paper, a new AST framework called MusicYOLO is proposed, which obtains the note-level transcription results directly. The onset/offset detection is based on the object detection model YOLOX, and the pitch labeling is completed by a spectrogram peak search. Compared with previous methods, the MusicYOLO detects note objects rather than isolated onset/offset moments, thus greatly enhancing the transcription performance. On the sight-singing vocal dataset (SSVD) established in this paper, the MusicYOLO achieves an 84.60% transcription F1-score, which is the state-of-the-art method.     Keywords: Feature extractionLabelingEvent detectionSpectrogramEstimationDeep learningObject detectionASTnote object detectionspectrogram peak search Funding:National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2021YFC3340803 更多内容见 Web of Science